
December 31, 2018

Farewell, 2018!

As we ready ourselves to ring in a new year tonight I wanted to take a look back and remind myself that while 2018 was a year of uncertainty and change,  it was one that showcased our personal strength and was filled with immense joy, travel, and surrounded with those we cherish most.  I look forward to finding out what 2019 has in store for us because I have a feeling it will be the best year yet!

We started the year off out doors taking plenty of fun hikes

We went skiing plenty of times and the kids LOVED it

In February I celebrated Galentine's Day with a fun get together
Celebrated Valentine's Day at home with a delicious dinner

Heading over to Boulder for a fun girls trip!

Escaped to Laguna Beach for a fantastic work/play getaway with Tice

In March we headed to our favorite adult playground, Vegas with friends and 
got to see David Guetta!

We dyed Easter eggs
Celebrated the return of spring and birthdays with friends
The Easter bunny came

We started golfing- A LOT!
Celebrated our country club's anniversary with a fun James Bond themed party and got to get all dressed up!

I went to Nashville with my mom and aunt to visit my cousins!  It was my first time but will not be the last- we had a blast!

We celebrated the Kentucky Derby at one of my favorite events of the year!

Celebrated Mother's Day with a fun day of golf and my first birdie!
Sawyer competed in his annual bike race and loved it!
We celebrated the last day of school with a pizza party in the park with friends followed by a baseball camp!
Started savoring the long days of summer

Sawyer joined our clubs golf team and loved it!
I headed in June to Arches National Park for a night hike up to Delicate Arch

We celebrated Tice's 38th birthday with a fantastic greek themed dinner at our friends home
And then continued the birthday celebrations by heading to Telluride and eating at our favorite restaurant Allreds and going to Bluegrass with friends for our annual trip!

Had friends visit us from Portland
I enjoyed playing in my first member member golf tournament at our club- we took 2nd in our flight!
We celebrated our 7th anniversary and the 4th of July at our club with friends and family

Celebrated the kids birthdays- Kinley's 4th and Sawyer's 6th with a joint pool party at the club

Attended fun golf banquets celebrating victories and defeats
Started school- Pre-K for Kinley and First Grade for Sawyer
Played in the annual couples golf tournament
Traveled to Portland for a mix of work and play and took in  a Ducks game while we were there

Traveled out to the Oregon coast and dug in the sand

Played a game of golf at Thetherow in central Oregon on our journey back to Colorado 

My brother visited and one day we headed up to Aspen for a fun day of art and food

In October Tice celebrated his 20th High School reunion

I headed to Aspen for a fantastic girls trip

Celebrated Halloween with trips to the pumpkin patch and trick or treating

Celebrated my 34th birthday with an awesome Halloween themed bash!

Enjoyed seeing Sawyer's artwork and perform at school

Had family pictures taken

Headed up to our property in search of the perfect Christmas tree

Enjoyed hosting a Parade of Lights viewing party at Tice's office

Enjoyed seeing Santa at our club's annual brunch

Traveled to Maui for the most relaxing trip and had the absolute best time ever!

Hosted our Monthly girls night Christmas Party
Celebrated Christmas with family

All in all 2018 was fantastic and I can't wait to see what 2019 has in store for us!
Thanks so much for stopping by!