
January 10, 2019

Recent Happenings...Christmas 2018

The holidays were good to us!  We hosting my Monthly Girls Dinner's Christmas party.  It was so much fun to get all dressed up and come together during the holidays.
My girlfriend D and I that night
My girls
Most of us girls- looking forward to our dinners in 2019

The day after the party my cousins came into town from Nashville to spend Christmas with all of us and it was so awesome to have them here.  We had a girls day and headed to our favorite distillery and lunch spot for a fun catch up.

My aunt and cousins
My mom and I

The next day was Christmas Eve so we had a fun brunch at my parent's house before getting all dressed up and heading to our club for their Christmas Eve buffet.

The whole crew

On Christmas morning we woke up early but not too early (thank goodness) to open presents.  The kids got spoiled and loved every minute of it.

After present opening, my in laws all came over and we had a yummy breakfast of cinnamon rolls and biscuits and gravy.  It was fun for the cousins to get together and exchange gifts.  After breakfast I started making Christmas dinner.  Around 2 my family came over and we had a wonderful time exchanging gifts and spending time as a family.

All in all a wonderful holiday filled with happy memories.

Thanks so much for stopping by!