May 27, 2014

How I Spent...Memorial Day Weekend

Friday night Sawyer and I went on a date to Noodles and Company and shared the mac and cheese (I LOVE that stuff) and then went home and enjoyed some homemade fudge pops.  On Saturday we ran some errands and got some cleaning accomplished around the house and then joined some girlfriends and their little ones for a dinner on the patio at one of my favorite local restaurants.  Sawyer was super well behaved and enjoyed listening to the live band playing and eating my sweet potato fries.  Finally on Sunday Tice got home from his 8 day business trip!  Let me just tell you that it was absolutely no fun being a single mother for 7 full days and makes me appreciate just how hard being a parent is and how much better life is when both of us are home!  Thank goodness he is home!  Monday we were invited to swim over at my girlfriend's parents home!  They had the nicest set up, the weather was awesome, and Sawyer had an absolute blast playing in the water with the other little boys!

Everyone was in charge of bring a dish to share, I decided to make Watermelon Pico de Gallo (recipe here) from the Pioneer Woman and everyone really liked it!  It was spicy, light, and refreshing- an excellent change up from regular salsa.
Tice enjoying his beer, which was kept handy in a duck floating koozie
The boys having a blast in the water

Thanks so much for stopping by!