Kinley's Dress: Carter's | Shoes: Carter's | Headband (available in the Tice's Tidbits Etsy Shop)
Weight: At her last appointment she weighed in at 11 pounds 13 ounces!
Health: Due to the excessive amount of carseat time on our trip to Portland she ended up having some constipation which persisted the entire time we were there and then continued until about 2 days after we got home. She seems like she is finally starting to get back to normal. She was also told she has a condition called torticollis which is when muscles around their necks are tighter in certain areas which was in turn causing one side of her head to become a bit flatter then the other. We have been sent to the physical therphist and she will be working with them once every 2 weeks for the next month or so until we are able to stretch the muscles out and fix the issue.
Sleep: She has been WONDERFUL! She has stretches anywhere from 3 1/2 on a bad night to 7 hours on a good one and only wakes 1 to 2 times each night. One thing that has surprised me in regards to her sleep is that she is not normally one to cuddle or be rocked to sleep. Lately, I have simply run her through her bedtime routine, feed her, burped her, and then just laid her in her crib and she has put herself to sleep. This amazes me because Sawyer was the complete opposite and wanted to be rocked and cuddled to sleep.
Social: She has been smiling a lot more which has been so much fun! She also has started to enjoy playing with her jungle gym while she is laying on the floor and looking at herself in the mirror.
Diet: She is strictly breastfeed. I have actually been able to pump extra each day, anywhere from 6 to 12 ounces so our freezer has become stockpiled with milk for later on down the line if I can't or decide not to breastfeed any longer.
Clothes: She is in 0 to 3 month old items. Some are started to get a bit small on her while others depending on the brand are still big on her.
Baby Gear: As I mentioned above she is enjoying her jungle gym. We have also put her in her bumbo a couple of times which she didn't hate!
Crying: She RARELY cries and it the best little baby. She only cries when she is super tired or when she is hungry- just like her mommy!
Likes: She LOVES her brother and he loves her. Sawyer frequently runs to her side if she begins to cry and puts her paci in her mouth or bounces her if she is in her bouncer. She also has enjoyed looking at herself in the mirror and has started to enjoy having us make funny faces at her in order to make her smile.
Postpartum: Emotionally I feel completely back to normal and as for physically because I don't want my milk supply to go down I am leaving off working out with any intensity until the end of October which is when my gym membership kicks back in (I took a break the last month of my pregnancy through October.) Hopefully I can stay hydrated enough when I fit workouts in. If I notice my supply lessens when I go back I might just hold off until I am done breast feeding.
Milestones: Being solely breastfeed for two months is great, as well as rolling from her stomach to her back as of a couple of days ago. She also sat in her bumbo for the first time and went on her first road trips to Denver and to Portland and was the best little girl!
Having Grandma and Brother give her a bath
Getting fed by her Daddy before bed one night! :)
Playing around with her brother on her jungle gym
Enjoying some down time together
Chilling outside in Portland during a playdate
Sitting pretty in her Bumbo
Thanks so much for stopping by!