
November 26, 2012

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday.  The reason for this goes back to when I was a child and my mom's sister and her family joined my grandparents and our family at my parent's house and we all got to be together, stuff our faces with delicious foods, and just spend some quality time together.  The holiday over time wasn't always spent together but no matter where we all were we carried the fond memories of years past.  After I found out we all had the opportunity to come together this year for Thanksgiving I was so excited and we gathered the troops!

 Me working on some festive cocktails
 Morgan taking a bite out of the veggie tray which was shaped like a turkey
 The cousins
 My little turkey and me
The best family photo we took all day- and when I say best I mean that it was the best by a long shot!