
December 9, 2012

Dear Sawyer Dylan (5 Months)

Dear Sawyer Dylan,

We have spent your fifth month of life living at your grandparents houses.  We flew out to Colorado on November 5th and lived with Grandma Tammy and Grandpa Wes while Daddy worked hard to get things finished up in Vancouver.  Daddy then drove out to Colorado after being away from mommy and you for 12 days- hopefully we won't ever have to be apart for that long again ever- with all of our belongings!  Thank goodness for family because Grandma Tammy and Grandpa Wes helped take care of us while we were without Daddy and once he got here Grandma Linda let us move in with her and store all of our stuff in her garage!

During all of this craziness you had a lot of big firsts!

  • You ate solids for the first time (that will be another post all on its own- coming soon).  You really like pumpkin!
  • You experienced your first snow fall and got to play with the cold, wet snow flakes!
  • You played in the fall leaves and loved hearing them crunch in your tiny hands.
  • You were sleep trained and night weaned all in the same week.  Since doing it though you are sleeping through the night and not waking up until 6:30 to 7:30 AM each morning!  I know that once you start teething that this won't stay the same without some struggles but you are doing so well right now! 
  • You got to meet Santa Claus-  you did so well and didn't cry at all!  I think you were wondering who this guy was but still seemed pretty happy with him!
You rode on another airplane this month and continue to hate stop lights and stop signs if you are forced to wait at them for very long!  You are so excited to get up in the mornings that along with getting you out of your crib in the morning and bath time those are mommy's favorite times of day!  

You are getting closer to propping yourself up on all fours but I hope you don't start crawling to soon or mommy and daddy won't be able to keep up with you mister smiles!

Love you with all of my heart!