
October 17, 2013

An Answer For My Brother

My brother are both VERY in love with fashion but in COMPLETELY different ways.  He is one of the only individuals that loath sales.  The reason for this I believe (and you are welcome to step in here in the comments section to correct me Zach) is that it means that the item that he has been longing for since the moment it step out on to the respective designer's runway is almost a year old by the time it would go on sale.  He wants the item as soon as it is available and doesn't even think/dream that it will still be around in his size by the time it finally goes on sale.  He is the only individual that I now personally that owns exclusively designer brand clothing.  I'm talking designers like Alexander Wang, Gucci, Burberry, and Theory not Gap, Old Navy, J. Crew.  The only thing that I know that he owns that isn't designer would be the underwear he buys from Abercrombie although those are around $15 a pop...much higher then my Forever 21 staples.  

So when the king of designer duds and not buying anything on sale sent me a link to this Man Repeller article on Tuesday it took me a couple of days to put together my thoughts and provide my feedback to him.

The biggest difference between my brother and I when it comes to shopping for clothing is that it makes my heart race paying full price for anything.  This means that I stop sales contently or purchase items that can be found at sale like prices from places like Forever 21 and Old Navy even when they aren't on sale.  I love using Retail Me Not and Ebates plus signing up for email lists at my favorite stores so that if they are running a sale or promotion I am among the first to hear about it and take advantage.  

In response to sales Leandrea asks the question:

"Do you find yourself more inclined to buy shit on sale simply because it’s on sale? Why or why not?".  

 I know that this has alway been my brother's question to me as well and my answer is no.  I tend to see things that I love and then stalk it until it goes on sale and then jump on it.  This helps insure that I don't do a ton of compulsive shopping just for the heck of it.  However I live in a small town in Colorado now, having recently moved from Portland, OR.  There were many days that I would be at work and a thought would hit me like "I NEED a striped sweater to wear to dinner tonight!" so I would rush to the mall right after work and hunt down a reasonably priced striped sweater.  When this urge hit me, which it often did I would head to good ol' Forever 21 or the like and fill a desire.  

That means that a majority of the time I am taking advantage of sales is when the item I am desiring typically started at a higher price point then I originally thought I could afford and they are at higher end, typically higher quality stores such as Tory Burch, J. Crew and Nordstrom.  

What is your sales shopping MO?  Do you love them or loath them?

Thanks for stopping by!