
October 18, 2013


Cheers to the weekend!  I recently saw this cocktail recipe on Pinterest and had to share!

Sparkling Strawberry Lemonade
Recipe via here
STRAWBERRY SYRUP: 1 heaping cup chopped strawberries 2 tbsp. sugar 1 tsp. lemon juice 2 tbsp. cold water Pinch of salt - LEMONADE: 1 cup very hot water 2/3 cup sugar 1¼ cups freshly squeezed lemon juice 4½ cups cold sparkling water or seltzer
I would add a shot of vodka to put this over the edge for all of the adults!

Parts of this week seemed to go by quickly while others seemed to drag on.  I hope to get a couple of DIY projects completed around these parts this weekend but let's be realistic here...I will be lucky if I finish one!  I would love to also get some ironing completed as well as organize my scrapbooking supplies.  Right now I feel like I am forgetting I have certain supplies (special paper or stickers) and then finding them after I complete the scrapbook page so I hope that once it's organized I will use everything I have better!  Do you guys have anything on your to do list this weekend or are you planning on planting yourselves on your couch and simply relaxing?

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you have a great weekend!