
October 14, 2013

How I Spent My...Weekend

Friday night we stayed in and I made Swedish Meatballs and Spatzle.  The recipes I used can be found here and here.  We both really liked how both of the recipes turned out!  Presentation obviously wasn't important that night when I served up dinner!

On Saturday we had a bunch of family over to watch the University of Oregon football game.  After the football game I headed over to a girlfriend's house for girls night.  

Sorry for the bad quality iPhone pics!

On Sunday we spent a lazy morning at home before dropping Sawyer off at Grandma and Grandpa's and heading to lunch for a girlfriend's birthday celebration!
A little lunch to start our day off plus a lemondrop!

Love these shoes...have them in two different colors!  So worth the money. (You can find them here)

My lightened up Lemon Drop...see recipe here!  I had them use Cherry Flavored vodka which made it extra yummy!

 Scobby Snack Shots
 A little sparkle
 Me and the Birthday Girl
Trying a fruit leather for the first time!

Thanks for stopping by!  Hope you all have a great week!