
March 11, 2014

19 Weeks with Baby #2

Cardigan: J. Crew | Tank: | Bottoms: Old Navy Maternity Jeans | Shoes: Tory Burch Reva Flats | Bag: Tory Burch (sold out but loving this one)

How far along: 19 Weeks- Due date is 7/29/14
Gender: Girl
Maternity clothes: 
Stretch marks: No new ones 
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Pretty good when I could breath through my nose
Best moment this week: 
Worst moment this week: Having a cold and not being able to take anything for it!  
Miss anything: Cold Medicine
Movement: Yes more and more light movement everyday
Cravings: Fruit Snacks that I have been "sharing" with Sawyer
Queasy or sick: Sick- head colds suck
Looking forward to: Being in Portland and bring my new car home!

Thanks so much for stopping by!