
March 13, 2014

20 Weeks with Baby #2

Outfit Details:
Top: Forever 21 (sold out, similar here) | Bottoms: Old Navy | Accessories: Forever 21 Earrings (old, similar here)

How far along: 20 Weeks- Due date is 7/29/14
Gender: Girl
Maternity clothes: Yes...I don't have to but if I want to be comfortable then I need to have maternity pants on for sure.  Shirts are still depending on the type
Stretch marks: No new ones 
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Couldn't be better this past that I have typed that I will sleep terrible next week.
Best moment this week: Knowing that we are half way!  Plus I picked out the fabrics for the nursery and created a crib sheet, a changing pad cover, month by month clothing dividers and started painting her room.  In other words I got a lot crossed off of my to do list.
Worst moment this week: Watching Sawyer have a cold.  I think he either got it while traveling or he already had something that got 10x worse by traveling via lack of sleep.  Plus his first trip to Docs on Call last night at 8 PM was no fun at all!
Miss anything: A pain free lower back...I wish I didn't have the lower back pain this early on because I know it didn't show up until further along last time.
Movement: Yes more and more light movement everyday- still waiting for a big ol' kick!
Cravings: Salads...last night I had a BBQ chicken salad and today I had a strawberry, onion straw, and balsamic dressed salad!  Pure Spring time yumminess!
Queasy or sick: Feeling much better in comparison to last week's cold!
Looking forward to: Finishing painting her room and spending a weekend at home!

Funny story...recently each time I go into the nursery to take my weekly belly photo Sawyer loves to run in there with me and take the picture with me.  Each picture I take I take with the timer set on the camera and as soon as I walk over to stand in position he runs over and stands near me with a big smile on his face smiling too for the camera just like mommy.  It is the cutest thing.  This week I just couldn't crop him out!

Thanks so much for stopping by!