
March 23, 2014

21 Weeks with Baby #2

Outfit Details:
Top: Joe Fresh (old, similar here) | Bottoms: Old Navy | Necklace: J. Crew Factory

How far along: 21 Weeks- Due date is 7/29/14
Gender: Girl!
Maternity clothes: Yes most of the time but some of my bigger jeans can still work with the hair tie trick and some shirts depending on length can as well.
Stretch marks: No new ones 
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Pretty good although because Tice has been staying up later lately he has been waking me up more often.
Best moment this week:  Celebrating St. Patrick's Day and going to our doctors appointment and seeing Baby Girl up on the ultrasound screen...that may be the last time we see any pictures of her until her arrival!
Worst moment this week: Being sore after a work out this week...super sore.  Although no matter how sore I was, I am very happy with myself that I am working out as much as I am still.  Last time I pretty much stopped working out all together at this point.  The working out must be helping because I have only gained 5 pounds so far in this pregnancy.
Miss anything: A green beer this week!
Movement: Yes more and more light movement everyday- still waiting for a big ol' kick!
Cravings: Fresh Fruit and sweet things
Queasy or sick: Feeling Great!
Looking forward to: A haircut!

Thanks so much for stopping by!