
March 24, 2014

How I Spent...My Weekend

Friday morning Sawyer and I ran some errands which included me purchasing a new mirror for our half bathroom.  When we first moved in I simply slapped a mirror up on the wall that we already had and that fit so it was about time to make a change.   I think it makes a big difference!

Then on Friday night we had a ton of fun when we had people over for the basketball games.  There wasn't much game watching but a ton of laughs and good food!  

The next morning I went and got my hair cut- I chopped about 4 inches off!  It feels great and looks great but I definitely don't think I will be use to having the shorter hair for awhile.
Sorry this is so dark...but you get the idea

Sunday I went over to my parents while Tice was at the office and took Sawyer for a walk with my dad and their dog.  Sawyer had a lot of fun exploring the woods near their house.  After the walk, my mom and I went to Joanne Fabrics which was having a big sale and picked up the last of the items I need to complete the last of the DIY projects for Baby Girl's nursery.  The projects I have ahead of me are a bit more difficult then the ones I have already completed so wish me luck!

He has one of my mom's coats on because she insisted he have another layer...

Hope you had a great weekend and here's to a great week!