
June 8, 2014

32 Weeks with Baby #2

Outfit Details:
Dress: Nordstrom | Shoes: Charles David | Earrings: Forever 21

How far along: 32 Weeks- Due date is 7/29/14
Gender: Girl!
Maternity clothes: Yes and no still!  Depends on the item.  Some of my maternity shirts are getting to short and constantly need to be pulled down
Stretch marks: No new ones...that I know of...
Belly button in or out: I would say partly out
Sleep: Still dealing with major hip and pelvis pain with a touch of lower back pain for good measure...I am ready to trade sleep deprivation for this pain to be gone.
Best moment this week: Being celebrated at my beautiful baby shower!
Miss anything: Not having hip pain and pelvis pain
Movement: Yes and loving it.  She is really active as I'm falling asleep at night
Cravings:  Olive Garden was one last night!
Queasy or sick:  Besides the pain I'm doing pretty good
Looking forward to: Next weekend and celebrating Tice's 34th birthday as well as Father's Day!

Also I saw a cute maternity picture involving a crown on Pinterest the other day so I wanted to capture that sweetest for myself-  here is how it turned out.

We can't wait to meet our little princess!

Thanks so much for stopping by!