
June 9, 2014

How I Spent...My Baby Shower Weekend

Friday night we had a bunch of people over to hang out in our backyard.  The weather was perfect and it was a lot of fun to see a bunch of people that we don't get to see all of the time.  Saturday morning was my baby shower and it was wonderful!  My sweet friend Dani threw the shower and incorporated adorable little details.  We received some of the cutest and sweetest things for baby girl that I can't wait to see her in!  Here are some of the highlights from the shower-

Most of the attendees

The beautiful quilt my mom made for baby girl

My Outfit Details:
Dress: Nordstrom | Shoes: Charles David | Earrings: Forever 21

Sunday I spent recovering from all of the fun...boy did I need it!  Looking forward to another weekend of celebration next weekend- it sure helps having something fun to do to keep my mind off of waiting for baby girl to arrive.

This week I have lots of party prep for Tice's birthday as well as for Father's Day!

Thanks so much for stopping by!