
June 10, 2014

Nursery...The Tale of Two DIY Baby Mobiles

Years ago when I was in college I purchased a crystal chandelier at Urban Outfitters on sale for about $10.  I took it to each new location I moved to until in our new house it was neatly tucked away with no where to be placed...that is until I found out we were having a girl!  I immediately thought that it would make the most wonderful mobile after seeing sweet Ashley's crystal mobile tutorial on God Bless Our Nest.  

I decided the only embellishment that my existing chandelier needed was a ruffle of coordination fabric to tie it in with the rest of the room.  I cut a long 30 inch by 2 inch length of fabric and then created a basting stitch down the middle of the fabric.  Once the stitch was completed I simply pulled on one of the treads and created a ruffle which I later went back and evened out the ruffle.  Once the ruffle was complete, I hot glued it directly onto the top of my chandelier.  
This was right after I adhered the ruffle to the base with hot glue

The mobile hanging up

Once it was hung I didn't feel as though it was delicate enough for the space.  The picture doesn't really show this but it block quite a bit of the painting we have hanging over the crib so I decided to head in a different direction and searched Pinterest for inspiration, which is where I found the following images.
Image found here

Image found here

I decided to create a mobile from a silver branch I had laying around in our garage as well as some coordinating scrapbook paper.

Here is the final product-

Which one do you like better?

Thank so much for stopping by!