
June 15, 2014

33 Weeks with Baby #2

Outfit Details:
Top: Forever 21 (old, similar here or here) | Jeans: Old Navy | Earrings: Forever 21

How far along: 33 Weeks- Due date is 7/29/14
Gender: Girl!
Maternity clothes: Yes in the pants and shirts department but no in the maxi dress/dress department.  I absolutely hate the gathered sides on most maternity dresses or the tent like effect of them so I stick to non-maternity dresses and size up if necessary.
Stretch marks: No new ones...that I know of...
Belly button in or out: I would say partly out
Sleep: Pretty good and I can't get enough these days.  Nap time in our house has a new meaning- Sawyer goes down and then I go down too about 5 minutes later because the morning, no matter what we did wore me out so badly!
Best moment this week: Celebrating Father's Day with the most amazing men in the world, one I'm lucky enough to call my dad and one my children are lucky enough to call dad.
Miss anything: Not having hip pain or lower back pain.  The lower back is what is really doing me in this week!
Movement: Yes!  I still haven't captured a video of her moving around but I really want to because she is really moving and grooving a lot more lately.
Cravings:  Fresh Peaches with Vanilla ice cream and cinnamon sprinkled on top plus caesar salad, I had two in two days this week.
Queasy or sick:  Besides the pain I'm doing pretty good
Looking forward to: Celebrating Tice's birthday on Wednesday, throwing Sawyer's 2nd birthday party and getting maternity/family photos as well as Sawyer's 2 year old pictures taken next weekend!

Thanks so much for stopping by!