
June 16, 2014

How I Spent...Father's Day Weekend

Friday night we laid low with a sick little boy, his first battle with the flu, but by Saturday afternoon he was starting to feel better which was perfect because that night we had Tice's birthday party.  Tice's best friend and his fiance, our good friends, came over from Boulder and surprised Tice!  It was really fun because I don't often get to be the one pulling off big surprises but he loved it and was so excited they were here!  The rest of the attendees started showing up around 5.  The weather was a bit windy but overall it was still nice and everyone hung out in our backyard playing corn hole and sitting around our fire pit.  
Right after the SURPRISE!
Leah and I

Sawyer getting to open an early birthday present!
The golf themed birthday cake that I made Tice- super simple!
I just used a yellow cake mix, made 2 round cakes, stacked them on top of each other, cut cake out of them, placed a plastic cup wrapped with foil inside the hole, and then frosted it with a star tip.  The finishing touches were the golf ball, and the paper straw fitted with a numbered flag!  
Happy 34th Tice!

Finally on Sunday we celebrated Father's Day at my parent's with steaks and cherry pie!  It was delicious and very relaxing.  

My dad checking out the present we got him, some beer mugs he had wanted

Sawyer and Grandpa sharing some cherry pie and vanilla ice cream
My boys enjoying a post nap snuggle!

I'm looking forward to seeing my best friend Morgan who is in town this week as well as touring the hospital we will be delivering at for the first time, a bagel breakfast date with some friends, Tice's birthday, a trip to the pool for Sawyer, and finally Sawyer's birthday festivites this week!

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Here's to a wonderful week!