
June 2, 2014

How I Spent...My Weekend

Friday night we attended my mother in law retirement get together.  A couple of her co workers met up at a restaurant after work where we joined them.  Sawyer was a royal pain so it was about as much fun as you can imagine and we high tailed it out of here as soon as we inhaled our food.  Saturday, Sawyer woke us up at 5:30 which I was not at all ready for.  Tice headed to the gym and office so it was just the two of us all morning.  Around 9 AM, Sawyer was being way to quite so I went to investigate and found out he had crawled up into baby girl's completely made crib (sheet, bumper, and all) crib with his bathroom's toilet bowl brush and the pot from his potty training toilet.  I could have died so we loaded up and went for a walk so that I didn't lose my mind!

Decided to try something a bit different during Nordstrom's buy 2 get 1 free mascara event and decided to try Dior Addict and so far I love it!  (pick your's up here

That afternoon we attended my girlfriend's youngest daughter's birthday party!  It was a bee theme and everything turned out so cute!  After the party we came home and relaxed on our back patio before grilling some pizzas. 
Sawyer enjoying his cupcake

Sunday I ran some errands with my mom and Sawyer and then came home and napped before making chicken fajitas.  All in all it was a wonderful weekend but I can't wait for this week to fly by because my baby shower is on Saturday morning!
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Thanks so much for stopping by!