
June 3, 2014

Sawyer's Transition from Crib to Bed

On Monday we decided to transition Sawyer from his crib to a big boy bed.  My parents had recently given us the furniture from my brother's old bedroom when they moved as well as the mattress that was in there.  The furniture was just sitting in our garage waiting for me to move some of the items from his room into baby girl's room.  Once the items were moved we started building his excitement levels about this big change about a month ago.  When the day finally came, my parents came to help us with the heavy lifting and we let him "help us" as we brook down his crib, bring in the new mattress, and attach the headboard.  

Done with the picture taking!

Once we have a couple more nights under our belts I will be back to explain the process we used as well as how we feel it went.

Thanks so much for stopping by!