
July 6, 2014

36 Weeks with Baby #2

Outfit Details:
Dress: Ann Taylor LOFT (old, super similar option here) | Shoes: Newport News (these were actually the shoes I wore on my wedding day! Similar option found here) | Earrings: Forever 21

How far along: 36 Weeks- Due date is 7/29/14
Gender: Girl!
Maternity clothes: Yes but the items in the picture above are not actual maternity clothes...go figure I can still fit in them- This seems to be a running's like I hate maternity clothes and have something to prove...
Stretch marks: I think I have some new ones...Tice said it may be because of the desert air being so much drier here in when I was pregnant with Sawyer in Portland.  I won't know the extent of the damage (stretch marks until she arrives though)
Belly button in or out: Out...sadly :( however I think it could be even worse then what I have going on so I will consider myself lucky
Sleep: Pretty good but the head cold I had last week is still lingering so that made it difficult at the beginning of the week.
Best moment this week: Watching Sawyer celebrate 4th of July and continue loving the swimming pool, which we have been going to everyday!
Miss anything: My non-maternity wardrobe...I have purchased quite a few things for after pregnancy that I can't wait to wear!
Movement: Yes- she is running out of room!  Plus I have been having Braxton Hicks constantly just not any really contractions.  The best way I can describe Braxton Hicks contractions is that my whole torso, down to my butt gets a tinkly sensation for a couple of seconds, my whole stomach gets really hard and then it all just goes away...I don't remember them with Sawyer at all but maybe I wasn't really paying attention!
Cravings: Lemonade which has been a staple this whole pregnancy is back and I can't get enough
Queasy or sick:  Feeling like a stuffed turkey...I'm ready!
Looking forward to: Her arrival!!!  I can't wait to see what she looks like!

Thanks so much for stopping by!