
July 7, 2014

How I Spent My...4th of July Weekend Plus Our 3rd Anniversary Celebration

Since our anniversary is the 3rd of July and we planned on going to our club's 4th of July festivities that night we pushed up our celebration to Tuesday night of last week.  We decided to go to our favorite restaurant in town for dinner.
Heading to dinner after dropping Sawyer off at my parents house


Our surprise celebratory dessert!

Tice joking around- trying to blow out the sparkler

On Thursday night our club throws an awesome 4th of July celebration which was the perfect events to take Sawyer to.  They had tons of inflatables and bump and jumps for him to play in as well as tons of space for him to run around on.  Our friends were also there so we hung out with them for most of the event.  We didn't let Sawyer stay up for the fireworks they had so I can't wait for next year when he gets to see them for the very first time!  

To busy to stand still for the camera

The two of them had a blast running around

Sawyer dragging a tennis ball around on a string

My little ham

On the 4th we went to the pool with my parents and then just relaxed at the house.  

On Saturday I ran some errands with Sawyer and my mom and then we joined Tice and some family for lunch at the club before heading down to the pool.  Later that night we went over to my parents for a potluck BBQ.

Finally on Sunday I put Tice to work on getting tons of baby related to do items crossed off of my list and then went to the pool before having dinner with Tice's mom.  One of the to do items was to find a new location for the crystal chandelier/mobile that I had originally thought I would hang above the crib in the nursery.  I ended up deciding to hang it over the chair in her room.  I also finished the moby wrap I decided to create for baby girl.  I never used one with Sawyer so hopefully I end up liking it as much as I think I will.

All in all a great weekend but now that all of the things I have had planned so far this summer have past I am going to be very impatiently waiting for baby girl's arrival!

Thanks so much for stopping by!