
October 6, 2014

How I Spent...My Weekend

Tice was out of town until late yesterday afternoon so it was pretty much just me and the kids all weekend.  We had my parents and grandma over on Friday night for dinner which is always fun.  Here is Kinley, no so sure all about this...

A sweet picture of my sweets

Then on Saturday morning I decided to get some of Sawyer's energy out and took him down to the river trail and walked around and "raced" him for about 45 minutes!  He had the best time- I know we will be doing that activity again soon.

Stroller (found here)

An afternoon snack of hummas complete with 1/2 teaspoon measure to eat it out of the container and his pjs that he hates taking off when we are at home!

Then on Saturday night, right in the middle of eating dinner the electricity went out.  I then started rushing around like a crazy person so that I could try and get their bedtime routines completed as much as possible before it got completely dark outside.  I got Sawyer successfully down but Kinley didn't get her typical routine that night.  Thankfully the power came on about 2 hours after it had gone off.  

On and did I mention that right before the power went off I had just started to roll out dough for my homemade red velvet cinnamon I didn't?!?!  Well let's just say that dough was pulled up off of my well floured surface and shoved into a Ziploc bag so that I could deal with it in the morning.  

Thankfully they turned out great once I rolled them out in the morning!  I used this recipe, which I found on Pinterest and it was a hit with Sawyer.  The only modification I made was that I omitted the cream cheese in the frosting because I don't love it on cinnamon rolls and just made a regular glaze instead.

On Sunday afternoon we went over to my girlfriend Lynn's home and watched the Broncos game.  It was great getting together with friends and it was extra good that the Broncos won!

Enjoying our Coronaritas!

Hope you all had a great weekend!  Here's to a great week!

Thanks so much for stopping by!