
October 3, 2014


This week has been full of food.  We went to our favorite restaurant in town on Tuesday which was fun.  Sawyer is usually very good at restaurants and I know it's because we have taken him out on a regular basis from the day he was born.  
Sharing a bottle of an italian red and a romana salad at Il Bistro Italiano

I also ordered by first Pumpkin Spiced Latte of the season.  I had been waiting for the weather to cool down a bit and with all of the rain we had this week it was finally time!  
My first PSL of the season!

On the food front at home, I feel like I have been in the kitchen most of this week.  
Tice wished I had made him 8 of these little pot pies- not just the two he got!

I cooked up kitchen pot pie, apple crostata, mac and cheese, and tonight I am going to make homemade pretzel buns for cheese burgers.  It should make for a good Friday night!  I have also been on an organizing kick lately and got all of my home documents(bills, important docs) put away in to a new filing cabinet and also got all of my scrapbooking supplies organized and put away into labeled folders.  No more little scraps of paper all over the place.  Now everything is easy to find.  

Here's to getting even more done around the house this weekend including more items for my Etsy shop, which will be making their shop debuts next week, finishing up my mantel decor for Halloween and cleaning out my closet a bit more. 

I will leave you with a picture of my smiling princess- seeing her smile will never get old- no matter how gummy!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Thanks so much for stopping by!