
December 22, 2014

How I Spent My...Weekend

My cousins came into town on Saturday afternoon so we had the pleasure of them staying with us and hanging out.  Tice and I had everyone over for dinner on Saturday night.  We had a pasta bar and made homemade pasta, two different sauces (meat/vodka sauce and alfredo) as well as a salad and some garlic bread.  Then on Sunday we went to my parents for brunch.  After brunch we headed home for a family nap which made my weekend!  
Playing horsy together during dinner at our house

Brunch at my parents

I am so excited about the fact that Christmas is only a few days away...I honestly can't wait to celebrate with Sawyer and see his excitement surrounding all of the fun events that we have planned.  We still need to put together his major toy as well as wrap the last couple gifts I purchased over the weekend plus make one last trip to the grocery store but after those few things we are  ready and waiting for Santa!

Thanks so much for stopping by!