
December 19, 2014


This week seriously flew by!  We had a lot of downtime at home as well as two fun playdates and lots of cooking and baking.  I also squeezed in some last minute gift shopping as well as crafting a super simply christmas card holder to display all of the awesome Christmas cards we have recently received.

This one is one of my favorites of the two of them to date...they had both just woken up from their naps and Sawyer was in a bad mood so I told him he could watch a show on the iPad.  He asked if Kinley could watch it with him and this is how they both stayed for almost 20 minutes!

Some awesome brussels sprouts that I made this week.  I used this recipe but subbed out bacon!

Hope you all had a great week and have a wonderful weekend!  We are attending our last Christmas party tonight which is nice to be able to say...we have attended more this year then the past 4 years combined!  I plan on wearing this skirt (it's on sale!) but haven't decided on my top or shoes quite yet.

Thanks so much for stopping by!