
January 30, 2015

TGIF & Currently Craving

I'm so excited it's Friday!  Thank goodness the work week has come to a close!  We had a fun week though so I shouldn't complain to much.
Morning giggles!
"More pictures, Mom?" 
Holding her bottle like a big girl...can't believe how fast time flies!

Tice was able to get off of work before 5:30 every night so one of them we decided to go for a hike on a trail near our house.  Sawyer was in love with the activity so I can't wait for it to really warm up so that we can take him more this summer!

This weekend we plan to get a couple of things done around the house (story of my life!) before I leave on Wednesday for NYC!  I still haven't totally nailed down what I will be taking so that should be fun trying to figure out this weekend!

On another note here are a couple of things that I have been eyeing lately and would love picking up while I am in New York if possible...
Thanks so much for stopping by!  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!