
February 10, 2015

Travel Diary...NYC

Drinks at the Four Seasons Restaurant

The Chew- the episode we saw airs on 2/24
High Afternoon Tea at the Russian Tea Room

The Plaza

Grand Central Station- the largest train station in the world

Sorry for being MIA for such a long time!  I recently returned from a trip with my mom to NYC to visit my brother who lives there.  We had a fantastic time and I can't wait to go back sooner then later.  This was my second visit to the city, my first was with a girlfriend when I was pregnant with Sawyer, also in the month of February so this was a bit of a different trip.  We were able to go to two Broadway shows, view a taping of the Chew, eat lots of yummy food, and do some shopping.  All in all a fabulous trip- I just can't wait to go back when the weather is warmer!

Thanks so much for stopping by!