
April 27, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

This week as I had hoped and predicted was pretty laid back and low key!  Friday night we took my parents out to dinner for my Mom's birthday.

Then Saturday morning my mom, the kids, and I all walked in the March of Dimes walk.  It was pouring down rain and super cold but we made the loop and then went to pick up doughnuts to celebrate.  After the walk we all came home, the kids took naps, and I got some things done around the house before we headed out to dinner our favorite Mexican food restaurant.  Sunday we spent doing nothing but having the Charter Internet guy come out to fix our broken internet- like I said a super laid back weekend.  

Well here's to another week and the arrival of my beautiful new treadmill today!  Can't wait to take it on a test run later today!  I'm going to need lots of new music to keep me interested as well as new workouts so if you have any please let me know!

Thanks so much for stopping by!