
April 24, 2015


I feel like the last couple of weeks have gone by in the blink of an eye and the next couple of months won't be any different.  We have so many upcoming trips planned that they are kinda starting to make me feel a bit overwhelmed!  So cheers to a weekend spent at home as a family because those are going to be few and far between in the coming months!  We are heading out to dinner to night with my parents for my mom's birthday and I have decided to wear this jumpsuit and these heels.  I recently got the jumpsuit and the first time I wore it Tice said "I really like that!"  So coming from someone that rarely comments on any of my outfits or clothes I will assume it's a real keeper and I can't wait to wear it over and over again this summer.

Here are a couple of other jumpsuits that I am loving lately.  I just need to try them on before I make any final decisions because I have such a long torso and I most of the time they aren't long enough in that area.

Tomorrow the kids and I are going to be walking in our town's March of Dimes walk which should be fun and get me some much needed exercise!  

Finally I am actually looking forward to Monday because that is the day that my new treadmill arrives and I can't wait to start using it!  It's a dream come true that I will have one in my home and can be used whenever I want.   I plan on keeping myself accountable by hanging a calendar on the side of our fridge and marking down each time I use the treadmill.  I am aiming to have 4-5 marks a week.  Wish me luck because I know I am going to need it.  I have a long way to go before I get my pre-baby body back.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Thanks so much for stopping by!