
April 21, 2015

Recent Happenings...Our Trip to Pueblo

Tice recently went out of town for a business trip and was then going to be leaving again not even 48 hours later for a wedding in Mexico so I decided rather then being at home for two long stretches with the kids by myself I decided to go visit  my girlfriend who has 3 girls and lives in Pueblo, about 6 hours away.  My girlfriend's sister, another friend of mine from high school lives across the street and has 4 there was 9 kids all together ranging from 8 months to 6 years old!  

We left last Sunday and stayed through Wednesday.  It was a great little getaway and such a fun time for not only me but the kids too!  

We spent most of our days hanging out around the house outside because the weather was beautiful but we also made a trip to their zoo which was Sawyer and Kinley's first time at a zoo.

The kangaroos

Some monkeys

Checking out the pigs!
Enjoying the nice weather.  I put on one of Kinley's sun hats so my girlfriend's daughter decided that she too needed a hat and ran into the house and brought this hat out to wear!  It's a polar fleece hat!

Just pulling a wagon
All of the kids hanging out on the grass
A Pueblo speciality...Slopers!  These were a cheese burger covered in green chili and diced white onions!  Super yummy!

Thanks for the great trip Kari!
