
April 20, 2015

How I Spent...My Weekend

After not really being home on a weekend in the last month or so this weekend was a real treat because we got to get some things done around the house such as some much needed yard work as well as just hang out.  Friday night we decided to order some pizza and watch some Game of Thrones.  Saturday I went to the gym and then we relaxed until we headed out to sushi with some friends and then they came back over to our house for some after dinner drinks.  It was so nice to see them!  
On the way to dinner!
Kinley and her BFF Vivienne at dinner

Sunday I woke up early so that my mom and I could score some of the amazing Lilly for Target deals!  I wrote a separate post listing all of the items I was able to score which you can view here.  After Target and a coffee run I came home and we finished getting our yard all cleaned up because the city wide Spring Clean up starts tomorrow in our area so we needed to get our pile outside on the curb so they can pick it up!  It was a ton of work- none of which I really liked doing but it has made the yard look so much better which is great!  
Check out this huge pile!

It's the size of a Mini Cooper!  Finally Sunday night I made tacos and binged on trash TV before collapsing into bed!

Hope you all had a great weekend and have a wonderful week!

Thanks so much for stopping by!