
October 24, 2016

How I Spent...My Weekend

With my group of girlfriends, a lot of us have birthdays in October, November, and December so you add all of the festivities that come with celebrating special birthdays on top of all of the events that come with celebrating the holidays and it makes from some extra busy months around here.  This weekend was just a continuation of that- and I couldn't have been more happy about it!  A group of us girls headed out to do some wine tasting in Palisade to celebrate my girlfriend Dani's 30th birthday.  We hit up 5 places out there and had the best weather and time in the process!
I wore a dress by Saloni (available here)

This week I am in full on Halloween Party prep mode and I have a ton of things to cross off of my list including finishing my costume!  Hopefully that can be finished up by Wednesday at the latest...we shall see.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  Thanks so much for stopping by!