
October 21, 2016

TGIF & A Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

This week the kids ended up catching something and I am hoping that I don't catch the same nasty bug because I have some FUN plans lined up for this weekend!  However before this nasty bug descended onto our home we had lots of fun.  The highlight was heading to the pumpkin patch for a field trip with Sawyer's school.  We had a wonderful time enjoying the perfect fall weather.
Getting our Halloween costumes all lined up!
Fresh Flowers from Tice earlier this week
The pumpkin patch is also a kids dream world with tons of different areas for play including slides, a petting zoo, and lots of different little houses with different themes, like a Christmas House, a Beauty Salon, and many more.

Checking out some of the bunnies

As I mentioned above I have some super fun plans this weekend!  A group of my girlfriends and I are going wine tasting and then out to dinner on Saturday and then Sunday we are having a birthday brunch for one of my girlfriends so we can celebrate her birthday!  I am planning on wearing this dress on Saturday wine tasting and this top in lavender on Sunday to the brunch!  Hope you all have a great weekend!  Happy Friday!

Thanks so much for stopping by!