
March 27, 2017

How I Spent...My Spring Break- Part 1

For Spring Break this year we decided to head to Telluride for a quick weekend trip to meet up with some friends who were in town from Boulder as well as see some family.  Our first stop was Allred's, the restaurant at the top of the gondola and one of my favorite restaurants in the world.  On top of the amazing, jaw dropping view, their food is last meal on earth worthy.
Sawyer and his cousin Gavin

After Allred's we headed to another favorite in town, Rustico which has great Italian food.  Then we all headed to bed to rest up for a big day of skiing the next day.

Tice teaching Kinley

We took both of the kids skiing for their first time and it turned out to be a wild success.  Sawyer is addicted!  

Enjoying one of his many rides on the magic carpet
It was super warm that day which turned out to be great when it came to teaching the kids and keeping them all out in the elements.  We packed on the sunscreen and not the layers!
After teaching the kids we put them in the daycare in Mountain Village and ended up paying an arm and a leg...$210 for 4 hours but skiing and boarding with our friends and family made that price tag a bit easier to swallow.

After having a quick lunch at Gorrono Ranch we took 5 different chairs lifts to the very top of the mountain and headed over to Alpino Vino for some champagne.  The view was absolutely incredible.

Tice and I at Alpino Vino

After a full day of skiing we headed home, cooked a feast and simply enjoyed hanging out and watching some basketball.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!  Check back tomorrow for part 2 of our spring break!

Thanks so much for stopping by!