
March 28, 2017

How I Spent...Spring Break 2017- Part 2

After our quick weekend in Telluride we drove back through town, dropped some things off, packed up a couple more things and then headed to Glenwood Springs to meet up with my girlfriend Clare and her family for a quick overnight to cap off our travels during Spring Break.e We stayed at Hotel Glenwood Springs and to say the place was kid friendly would be the understatement of the century.  The hotel features an indoor water park and while it is pretty small (only one large waterslide) the kids didn't mind at all and stayed for hours!  

The boys helping get each other ready for dinner
See... the water park really wore them out!
We enjoyed a yummy dinner at The Pullman and both had a delicious cocktail featuring ginger vodka, ginger beer, and champagne.
Three happy little ones

The next day we headed back to the waterpark before checking out.  After checking out our husbands dropped us and kids off before heading to play a round of golf.  We took the kids to a local park, then lunch at a great BBQ restaurant called Smoke, followed by candy and ice cream near by.  Once our bellies were all full, we headed to the train station and jumped on our train home.
About to board
They were happier than they appear.  I promise!

Taking it all in

Giving kisses
Welcome sight of home

Our junior conductors

The lack of naps had gotten to Kinley

After arriving back in town we headed out to dinner before going home- didn't want vacation to end!
Lachlan was so worn out he fell asleep in his taco!
Kinley took a nap on Daddy

Thanks so much for stopping by!