
March 20, 2018

Recent Happenings...Vegas

A couple of weekends ago we headed to our favorite adult playground for a long weekend of fun.  We arrived on a Thursday afternoon and then headed to the Forum shops before getting ready for dinner at Sushi Roku.  The meal was good but I preferred Nobu over it.

The next day the weather was warm enough to enjoy shopping at the North Outlets and then Tice and I headed to the pool.  After a couple of cocktails it was time to get ready for dinner.

Since it was National Meatball Day while we were there we headed to Rao's to devour their famous and delicious meatballs for our second dinner that weekend.

On Saturday I went shopping at Fashion Show Mall while Tice golfed with a friend in from out of town.  After shopping I met up with our friends and their friends from out of town for lunch at the Wynn.  The chicken finger appetizer was DELICIOUS and the endless bellinis were nice as well!

Finally for our final dinner we went to the Old Homestead Steakhouse inside Caesar's for our last dinner before heading over to the Wynn to see David Guetta at XS.  We got there early enough that we were in the third row!  He put on an amazing show-  I just love that venue and can't wait to go to more shows over time there.

All in all a wonderful little getaway!

Thanks so much for stopping by!