
August 17, 2018

Recent Happenings

Holy cow it has been forever since I last posted!  March to be exact and a whole bunch as happened since then!   For starters we sold our beloved "happy house" as the kids named it.  It was with mixed emotions but Tice and I both decided we needed more room so on the market it went.  We ended up selling in about 2 weeks for cash!  With no other house lined up in that short timeline so we headed to our friends house to stay there while they were in Australia.  After three weeks there we headed to my mother in law's to stay for about 4 weeks.  Once June hit we decided we needed something a little more permenent so we rented a townhome for the last two months.  Finally as luck would have it we found our dream home and moved in about two weeks ago!  It has been whirlwind but totally worth it in the end.  Tice kept telling me to be patient and that it would pay off and he was right!  

Almost all of the rooms are unpacked but my to do list is still a mile long.  In the last week I have begun the LONG task of painting the house and boy will it take a while with over 5000 square feet and some very tall ceilings.  No matter how long it takes though it will be so fun to see the house change for the better!

Can't wait to share even more updates shortly with you all and thanks for coming back to this little corner of mine on the internet!

Thanks so much for stopping by!