
January 1, 2014

Farewell 2013, Hello 2014

Happy New Years!  I am finally back and you will find out the reason for my absence soon I promise but before that reveal I wanted to take look back at 2013 because it really was a fabulous year!  

We kicked off 2013 with a wonderful NYE party at our house with tons of our friends to help us ring in the New Year, started to decorate our new home and fill it with tons of DIY projects including upholstered headboards and wine cork decor.  We then took a much needed break from the freezing Colorado temps and headed to Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Telluride for a whirlwind road trip (Sawyer was a trooper!) to visit clients- 5 states in 4 days!

Telluride in February is beautiful!

I took some adorable pictures of Sawyer...

Sawyer and I visited Uncle Zach in Boulder and stayed in his tiny basement apartment.  We then went to Breckenridge as a family after I won a free weekend at the Beaver Run resort and headed back a full day early because both Sawyer and I were super sick with colds.  Thankfully the resort said we could use the second night we had at a later time.  We headed back to Telluride to visit family and clients as well as enjoy some skiing and snowboarding!  It was my first time snowboarding in Colorado in over 7 years!  It was just like riding a bike and I had the best time!  I traveled solo all the way to Scranton PA to celebrate the bridal shower/bachelorette party of one of my best friend's from college, Bridget!  Sawyer celebrated his first St. Patrick's Day and his first Easter!

We then headed back to Oregon for the first time since we had moved to Colorado for client meetings and my dear friend's birthday party!  Sawyer stayed with a sitter who wasn't a family member for the first time and Tice and I enjoyed touring some of our favorite wineries with some of our best friends.

I then had the privilege to be a bridesmaid at one of my best friend's from college's wedding!  We traveled all the way to Scranton, PA for a couple of child free days which was a blast!  Thank you grandparents for the weekend away!

We then celebrated Mother's Day by having both of our mothers over for brunch at dinner at our house.   I threw my dear friend an elephant themed baby shower.   The weather really started to warm up so we got to play outside a lot!

We traveled to Denver for Memorial Day weekend to celebrate my cousin graduating from high school!  We celebrated Tice's 33rd birthday as well as Father's Day.  Then we celebrated Sawyer's 1st birthday with an airplane themed party full of food.

Then we headed to the Dominican Republic for a weekend in paradise with an awesome group of friends.  Tice and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary and Sawyer's actual birthday while we were there!

I threw a Duck themed baby shower for my sister in law, had Sawyer's one year pictures taken, celebrated my 10 year high school reunion with my best friends from high school and our husbands.

Headed to Telluride again, continued decorating our home, Tice and I went to Chicago for the first time for a client meeting without Sawyer for a fun getaway!

 Sawyer got a water table just as the weather started cooling down, got his first haircut, we traveled as a family to Oregon again and stayed with our friends the Courtney's which made for a wonderful stay! Plus we took Sawyer to his second Duck Football game.

Then we took a trip to Denver and attended some weddings, took Sawyer to the Pumpkin Patch, celebrated Sawyer's second Halloween (he was a spider), had a Halloween Party at our house,  celebrated the last year of my twenties!  Visited Santa

celebrated Thanksgiving as a big family, and then decorated for Christmas. baked cookies for the first time a mommy and son, and had a very relaxing Christmas and New Years.

Thank you 2013 for being one heck of a year filled with fun trips and new experiences!  I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for us!  

Cheers and thank you all so much for following along!