June 20, 2014

TGIF & Sawyer's 2nd Birthday Puppy Paw-tay Details

This weekend is Sawyer's birthday party and I can't wait- partly for him to celebrate because he does know what party means and has been asking me everyday day lately "party?" wanting to know if today was his party?!  It's the cutest!  As for the theme, from about 18 months to 22 months, Sawyer was obsessed with dogs and would constantly point them out, shout "dog!" and then bark in the most adorable way imaginable!  So settling on the birthday party theme this year was a no-brainer.  I decided on red, black, white, houndstooth print, and tan as the color scheme.  Here is a sneak peek of some of the DIY details that I have created that I wanted to share with you before I reveal all of the details next week.
The sign that will be placed by the napkins
Straw Flags
Custom Water Bottle Labels

As for the rest of the weekend we also have Sawyer's 2 year pictures as well as some family/maternity pictures scheduled for Saturday morning which I am very excited for.

Thanks so much for stopping by!