July 17, 2014

Welcome Home Baby Mantel Decor

Once I took down our Fourth of July Decor our mantel was looking quite bare so I decided to quickly pull together welcome home/new baby mantel decor.  I put a simply message on my trusty chalkboard, a free printable I found on Pinterest, and a DIY banner together to welcome home our little girl.  I think it will be a fun place for us to take some pictures once we bring her home.  

In the meantime the waiting game continues...my doctor stripped my membranes yesterday, after which I was feeling crampy or having some light contractions which didn't hang around for long and today I have seen even less action.  Not to rush her or anything but I would love it if she came before the end of this weekend because come Monday my doctor is on vacation for a week and I would love it if I was able to deliver with him and not the doctor on call.  

Cross your fingers for me!  

Thanks so much for stopping by!

PS: If you have a real keen eye then you now know what we are going naming our little lady!